Forewards GO AWAY CLOSER PROCESS hasselblad kiran nadar museum of art kochi Muziris Bienale Hawamahal anna atkin cell phone Nony Singh dissemination fileroom geoff dyer pan nalin Michael Ondaatje Myself Mona ahmed maya factor Jaipur Bhupen Khakkar editors Khoj restraint riyaaz Dear Aspiring Photographers editing in praise of shadows essays contact sheet mobile museums walter keller robert delpire FAILURE personal expression Museum of Chance angry Indian goddesses family portraits jaipur literary festival job mahler photoarchivist Austerlitz ongoing moment first symphony India art fair film Gieve Patel instagram whatsapp kandalama naoya hatakeyama PUSHING THE LIMITS FEAR Photography Fantasy rigour FTII music khaali FILES contactsheet iPhone Parents delhi college of art Foot path faculty Photo book photography pervasive illiteracy distribution lightmeter 6 year old photographer Mahatta Studio empty page mark morris museum bhavan Psainath Matrimonial Photography Sent a Letter Indian male photographers 120mm original book artist blue book monument intention

Ongoing Moment and Zona

[caption id="attachment_152" align="alignnone" width="300"] Geoff dyer, genre defying author[/caption] If not all ,then please atleast read Ongoing moment, a history of the medium through the themes in Photography. Though Zona is an amazing work, its takes you through one of the most memorable films ever STALKER,  a must see film,…

Photography fantasy III

[caption id="attachment_135" align="alignnone" width="300"] Photo by Nony Singh[/caption] Nony Singh and her sisters, managed to see Gone with the Wind, at a time when it was forbidden for girls from good families to go to the cinema. Nony Singh then asked her sister Guddi to pose as Scarlett O Hara.…

Photography starts now

My essay for  Blink, on their issue on Cell phones Photography starts Now Cell phones have made Photography into what it always set out to be: a universal and democratic language. Everyone that has a mobile phone can participate in a conversation with images, regardless of the verbal language that…

Selfie worthy monuments

Mayawati needed to hire a Selfie scholar or a Photographer, if she wanted to bring more people to her monumental parks in noida and Lukhnow. Todays monument's significance depends on how selfie worthy they are. Taj mahal wins hands down. Hordes of selfie armed visitors. Atleast 10 different angles possible.…